Shawn Pudney Basektball Academies
The Shawn Pudney Basketball Academy is one of the most effective basketball training offerings available. The Academy features an extremely convenient schedule designed to effectively teach and re-teach the fundamentals of the game of basketball. The Basketball Academy incorporates 60-minute workouts (individual and team skills) over the span of 8 weeks. One of the best features of this program is the way in which Shawn Pudney and his coaching staff teaches the individual skills and then takes the process one step further by developing those skills in a team setting (through 2-on-2, 3-on3, 4-on-4 and 5-on-5 game situations) so young players can better apply the fundamentals to a competitive game environment. Taught by Shawn Pudney, Director of Syracuse Select Basketball, these classes are the perfect training tool to get you ready for your season.
The cost is $195 for an 8-week session. Players will be grouped by age and ability to ensure that all players can improve their game!